A system coherent to your security standards

Jamming and interference – deliberate or accidental – has always been an issue for satellite communications.  Its increasing rate requires more effective countermeasures to ensure mission-critical connectivity is resilient, safe and secure at all times, in all situations.

A system is not just about the hardware – it is about bridging the gap between user and satellite at a system level.

Resilient Modem Technology

Whether on the ground, at sea or in the air, fixed wing or rotors, it is critical your satcom system connects both your assets and network of users in all environments however fast they are moving; adapting to and maintaining reliable and efficient communications in all scenarios.

Addressing the need for resilience and security in the satellite communications world, Airbus Secure Communications has created Proteus Unity, the only dual-use satellite modem resistant to jamming and interference. Designed to adapt to and work around any potential interference that might block your mission-critical communications, the Proteus Unity Modem System delivers resilient, safe, secure IP communications across land, naval and airborne platforms.

Through Rotor Blade Communications

Beyond line of sight, high data rate communications have been an aspiration in the aeronautical world of rotor blades and propellers. As the rotor blades turn, they effectively disrupt and block the communications path resulting in degradation of signal and loss of data.

In order to ensure communications are continuous and uninterrupted, Proteus Unity is able to sense the communication path and adapt to what it sees, maintaining reliable and efficient communications at all times.

Satcom Connectivity Solution

Using our decades of experience and building our industry partnerships, Airbus has established a broad solutions portfolio to allow you to securely fulfil the connectivity needs of your mission all the way from your headquarter to in-theatre.

  • Enabling you with a total end-to-end capability with security by design
  • Establishing expert partnerships with you to identify and develop the correct system concept and architecture
  • Management of your spacecraft and network operations centres
  • Hybrid Network Management tools and applications
  • Resilient modem technology to actively mitigate threats
  • Comprehensive satcom terminal portfolio to cover all your domains, including solutions to be used On-the-Move (COTM/SOTM), partnering with the best in class providers as well as investing in our own technology for both maritime (SCOT terminals) and air applications

Recognising that your operations today are not just reliant on using satellite systems and connectivity, Airbus Secure Communications can integrate your satcom capabilities into your wider deployed solutions, other tactical networks and your deployed infrastructure solutions.

Network Management System

At the backbone of a satellite communications network is the network management system. Airbus Secure Communications are experts in designing, developing, installing and managing custom management systems and hardware for government, military and commercial users across the globe.

We have designed, delivered and operate some of the world’s most secure military network management systems including the UK’s Skynet 5 system, Germany’s SATCOMBw, Yahsat’s system and more recently have been awarded to provide France’s first digital military ultra-fast broadband satellite communications system, COMCEPT, for Athena-Fidus.

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