Agnet over Satcom, the solution for your critical communications

Keeping uninterrupted communications has always been an issue during critical missions especially in areas without any radio coverage or in case of services interruption. Agnet’s mission-critical services give professional smartphone users reliable access to voice, video, multimedia, files and location information.
An Airbus collaboration
In order to provide dependability, flexibility, and security, Airbus Defence and Space combines its well-established product Agnet with vast knowledge of satellite communications.
With a rich history in Secure Communications, Airbus Defence and Space combines established product Agnet with extensive Satcom capability knowledge to provide reliability, flexibility and security to operational communications across the globe.
Reliability and flexibility are words often used to describe civilian communications, but how often can they be confidently used in regards to mission-critical communications? Agnet over Satcom augments Agnet, the Airbus highly secure collaboration platform, providing connectivity anywhere* and any time*
Agnet over Satcom
Agnet over Satcom is a collaborative platform allowing teams to stay in contact, however far away they are from one another. The platform allows operational colleagues to make Push to Talk (PTT) calls or stream live video from anywhere – even when there is no 3G/4G/5G network available.
It combines an established product developed by the SLC team, Agnet, with Secure Communications extensive Satcom capability knowledge to provide reliability, flexibility and security to meet operational communication needs across the globe.
Agnet over Satcom’s mission-critical services give professional smartphone users reliable access to voice, video, multimedia, files and location information through satellite connectivity. Providing the tools you need for any operational communication, instant sharing with a defined group of people is possible at the mere push of a button.
Already operational with Agnet , Agnet over Satcom has already been demonstrated to clients during events such as CCW.