What we do


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Connecting and securing your critical communications

Airbus Secure Communications operates across four different sectors. As providers of global secure communication services, our customers span governments, militaries, international agencies and security forces.

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Ensuring and providing secure exchanges of critical information and services

In an environment becoming ever more digital, securing communication exchanges and controlling access to data are becoming both an asset and a necessity.

We have decades of experience in working with our customers to build and manage the most resilient systems and networks to fulfil all the requirements. Our expertise across the range of services provided ensures live system support, maintenance and proactive technical refresh.

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La fonction SIC de l’Armée de Terre fête la Saint Gabriel !
Les 27 et 28 septembre 2022, le Commandement des Systèmes d'Information et de Communication (COMSIC), commandement spécialisé de l’Armée de Terre, célèbre Saint Gabriel, saint-patron des transmetteurs.
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